UGC NET 2021 Exam date has been postponed. UGC NET is a national level entrance test which will be organized by NTA. Through UGC NET exam, the eligibility will be determined for JRF (Junior Research Fellowship) & Assistant Professor and for Assistant Professor only. Candidates who will successfully qualify the test will be considered for recruitment as Assistant Professor or JRF in Indian Universities and Colleges. In this article we have provided complete details related to UGC NET 2021 admit card, exam dates, pattern, syllabus etc.
UGC NET 2021 Notifications – Exam Date Postponed
UGC NET 2021 Exam Date (December session) has been postponed due to Covid 19 pandemic. New dates will be announced soon. Check here for exam dates details.
UGC NET 2021 Admit Card is releasing in the month of April or May 2021. Check here for admit card details.
UGC NET 2021 Highlights
When admit card will be released? – In April/May 2021
What is the last date to register for UGC NET 2021? – 9th March 2021, Check application form
Distance Education degree holder can apply for UGC NET? Yes (From recognized institutions)
Is UGC NET and CSIR NET are same? – No
How can i apply? Online mode only.
Can i apply for 2 subjects in UGC NET? – No, (You can apply for one subject only) Check eligibility
UGC NET 2021 Exam Dates
To know all the events of UGC NET 2021, candidates can go through UGC NET Exam Dates in the below given table:
Events | Dates 2021 (December Cycle) |
Availability of Online Application | 2nd February 2021 |
Last date to apply online | 9th March 2021 |
Correction window opens | 12th to 16th March 2021 |
Availability of Admit card | April 2021 |
UGC NET 2021 | 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 14th & 17th May 2021 |
Release of Answer Key | May 2021 |
Announcement of Results | June 2021 |
UGC NET 2021 Admit Card
The UGC NET Admit card will available for download from April 2021 for June session and in third week of November 2021 for December session. To download the admit card, students will be required to enter their login credentials. Students must follow complete instructions given on the admit card.
Students must check complete details to be correct in the admit card. In case of any discrepancy in the admit card, the candidates are advised to immediately approach helpline to get the problem rectified. The authority will take the necessary actions to get problem rectified.
UGC NET 2021 Exam Pattern
Students can know complete details of UGC NET exam pattern in the below given section:
- Exam Mode: The exam will be held in CBT mode.
- Number of Papers: There will be two papers in the test.
- Language Medium: The paper will be present in the language as chosen by the candidate either in Hindi or English.
- Type of Questions: There will be multiple choice, objective type of questions in the paper.
- Time Duration: The time duration of the exam will be 3 hours without any break.
- Questions: There will be total of 150 questions in the paper. Paper 1 will have 50 questions and Paper 2 will contain 100 questions.
- Marks: The paper will be of total 300 marks. Paper 1 will be of 100 marks and Paper 2 will be of 200 marks.
- Marking Pattern: For each correct answer, 2 marks will be given.
- Negative Marking: There will be no negative marking in the paper.
Know distribution of questions and marks for UGC NET Paper in the below given table:
Paper | Marks | Number of Questions |
Paper I | 100 | 50 |
Paper II | 200 | 100 |
Total | 300 marks | 150 questions |
UGC NET 2021 Syllabus
Students can check the complete UGC NET Syllabus from the website. Students will be able to check the detailed syllabus online as per their choice of subjects. Paper 1 of UGC NET will be of general nature and prepared to assess the research aptitude /teaching of the candidate.
Paper 2 will be prepared based on the core subjects or specialization as selected by the candidate. In paper 2 there are total 84 specialization subjects.
UGC NET 2021 Preparation Tips
Below we have provided UGC NET preparation tips for the candidates to excel in the entrance test:
- Check complete syllabus and pattern of UGC NET on the website.
- Students can solve previous year question paper or sample papers for practice.
- Candidates can prepare notes noting down all the important points at one place.
- A study routine should be made by the candidates and followed on a regular basis.
- The preparation for the UGC NET must be done using a study material which is highly recommended by the professionals.
FAQS (Frequently Asked Questions)
UGC NET 2021 Answer Key
The provisional answer key of UGC NET will be displayed in the month of June 2021 (December session). Also students will be able to challenge the provisional answer key. The key will be displayed on the website for two or three days.
For challenging of answer key, students have to make payment of Rs.1000 per question. After acceptance of challenge by the authority the final answer key will be published. The decision made by NTA based on challenges will be considered final and the result will be prepared based on final answer key.
UGC NET 2021 Result
UGC NET Result will be declared in the month of June 2021 for December session exam. Students will be able to check their result by entering their login details. The result will be available only through online mode on the website. No candidate will be intimated about result individually.
Students will be able to know their marks through the website which will be published by NTA after one week of announcement of result. No mark sheet will be issued by NTA authority for the candidates.
UGC NET 2021 Cut Off
To participate in the further admission procedure, students will be required to attain the cut off marks as per their category. A merit list will be prepared by the authority and published on the website. Category wise and subject wise merit list will be prepared separately for the qualified candidates.
The cut off is mentioned in the below table:
Category | Cut off Marks (%) | |
Paper – I | Paper – II | |
General candidates | 40% | 40% |
OBC (NCL)/ PWD/ SC/ ST candidates | 35% | 35% |
UGC NET 2021 Selection Procedure
The Top 6% of the total students who will qualify the exam (both Paper 1 and 2) will be only considered qualified. Candidates will be given admission for the post of JRF or Assistant professor into various Indian institutes and universities based on cut off secured as per category.
For the post of Assistant Professor, top 15% qualified candidates from each category will get selected and considered eligible.
UGC NET 2021 Application Form
Students before applying for UGC NET 2021 Application Form must go through the below given details:
- Before applying for UGC NET, candidates must go through complete information bulletin and details of application process. Also, students must be ready with all the documents required at the time of registration.
- Complete procedure of application can be carried out in online mode from 2nd February 2021.
- During application process, candidates must have to first register with unique email id and mobile number. This will generate application number and other required login details.
- Students have to completely fill the online application form after registration.
- After filling the form, students are required to upload scanned images of photograph and signature as per the format (JPEG/JPG) and size.
- After uploading process, candidates must have to make fee payment through available payment mode.
- Students are able to edit the application before submission of form. After submission of form, candidates are able to edit the application only during the correction period.
- Candidates are advised to print the application form and fee payment receipt for any reference in future.
Application Fee:
Payment mode: UGC NET application fee can be paid through online mode by Debit or Credit Card/ Net-Banking/ Paytm.
Category | Application Fee (in Rs.) |
UR/ General candidates | 1000 |
General –EWS/ OBC – NCL candidates | 500 |
ST/ SC/ PWD/ Transgender candidates | 250 |
UGC NET 2021 Application Correction
The UGC NET application correction window has been opened for the candidates who want to edit their application form. The correction window has been opened from 12th to 16th March 2021. Students are able to make correction only through online mode on the website.
The complete details related to editable and non editable fields are available on the website. Also, students will be informed about correction window through mail and SMS. No modification is allowed after the last date of correction.
UGC NET 2021 Quick Links
What should I Study for UGC NET 2021? Check Exam Pattern & Syllabus
Important Links
UGC NET Exam Dates | Application Form |
Eligibility Criteria | Preparation Tips |
Click here to check more Frequently Asked Questions.
UGC NET 2021 Eligibility Criteria
Students can check the UGC NET Eligibility criteria in the below given section:
- Qualifying Exam: Candidate (General/ UR/ General- EWS) with Masters Degree or its equivalent from UGC recognized University or Institution is eligible to apply.
- Qualifying Marks: Student in their Masters Degree level must have obtained at least 55% marks (50% marks for ST/SC/OBC (NCL)/PWD/ Transgender category candidates).
- Qualifying Subjects: Candidates in the Master’s degree level should have passed with Electronic Science, Humanities and Social science (including languages), Computer science and applications, etc.
- Appearing: Students who are in the last year of their Master’s degree level or who have appeared but results are awaited are also eligible to apply. Such students will be considered eligible only if they will fulfill the qualification requirements. Furthermore, the candidates must complete the Masters degree within 2 years of declaration of result otherwise he/she will be disqualified.
- Ph.D Holders: Students with Ph.D degree whose Masters level exam has been completed by September 1992 will be given 5% relaxation in aggregate marks (which means from 55% to 50%).
Age Criteria:
- Assistant Professor: For UGC NET, there will be no upper age limit to apply.
- Junior Research Fellowship (JRF): Applying candidate should not be more than 31 years of age as on 1st March, 2021.
- Age relaxation: ST/ SC/ PWD/ OBC- NCL/ Transgender/ women candidates will be given relaxation up to 5 years. Also 5 years relaxation will be given to candidates with research experience or who have served in armed forces. 3 years age relaxation will be given to candidates with LLM degree.
Exemption (For Assistant Professor):
- Students passed the JRF/ UGC/ CSIR exam before the year 1989 are exempted to appear for NET.
- For recruitment and appointment of Assistant Professor in universities/ institutions, the minimum eligibility condition shall remain with NET/ SET/ SLET. So regarding it, exemption from NET/ SET/ SLET will be governed by UGC regulations and amendments will be timely notified in the Gazette of India.
- Students who have qualified SET accredited by UGC for Assistant professor held before 1st December 2003 will be exempted to appear in NET and can apply for Assistant professor anywhere in India. SET which has been held onwards 1st December 2003, the candidates clearing SET will be eligible to apply for Assistant professor only in colleges and universities of the state from where they have cleared their SET.
If you have any other query related to UGC NET 2021, you can ask your query in the comments section given below.
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