
Wednesday, April 21, 2021

NATA 2021 Cut Off, Institution Wise Cut Off Ranks – Check Here

NATA 2021 Cut OffNATA 2021 Cut Off is the minimum marks that candidates will have to score in order to clear the examination. NATA (National Aptitude Test in Architecture) is a national level examination administrated by the Council of Architecture (COA). Through this exam, students will get admission in UG architecture courses (B.Arch). Various colleges and institutions in India consider the NATA score to offer admission in B.Arch course. Here we have provided details about NATA Cut Off 2021 including admission process.

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NATA 2021 Cut Off

The cut off will be published through online mode. Cut Off is the lowest possible marks which candidates have to obtain to qualify the examination. Cut Off will be set by the exam conducting authority.

NATA cut off 2021 will be published section wise. Various colleges and institutions also release their opening and closing rank to offer admission in UG architecture courses.

To get admission in B.Arch courses, firstly candidates will have to score the qualifying marks. After that, candidates have to secure marks as per the cut off released by the colleges for admission.

NATA 2021 Result has been declared through online mode on 20th April 2021 (for first session) and it will be declared on 16th June 2021 (for second session). It has been released only through online mode from the website. Candidates will get their NATA 2021 Score Card by entering their application number & Password.

NATA 2021 Expected Cut Off

Candidates can check expected NATA cut off marks from the below given table:

Subject Qualifying Marks Total Marks
Mathematics 30 120
Drawing 20 80
Aggregate 70 200

Previous Years Cut Off

Here we have mentioned the previous year qualifying cut off for NATA examination:

Examination Minimum Percentage Total Marks
MCQ section At least 25% (total 30 marks) 120
Drawing section At least 25% (total 20 marks) 80
Qualifying exam 50% marks

Institute Wise Rank & Merit Marks

Candidates can check here the last year rank and merit marks released by various colleges for admission:

College Category Maximum Rank Merit Marks
M.S. University of Baroda- Department of Architecture General (Gujarat board) 10044 72.4
General (CBSE) 20003 80.95
SC (Gujarat board) 10337 64.23
ST (Gujarat board) 11132 54.66
SEBC (Gujarat board) 10152 68.05
CEPT University- Faculty of Architecture General (Gujarat board) 10026 74.05
General (CBSE) 20001 82
SC (Gujarat board) 10222 66.69
ST (Gujarat board) 11451 51.30
SEBC (Gujarat board) 10264 65.78
Sarvajanik College of Engineering and Technology General (Gujarat board) 10151 68.05
General (CBSE) 20038 72.50
SC (Gujarat board) 11607 48.90
ST (Gujarat board) 11668 47.42
SEBC (Gujarat board) 10460 62.25
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology General (Gujarat board) 10205 62.95
General (Other) 30185 68.95
SC (Gujarat board) 10611 60.15
ST (Gujarat board) 11628 48.46
SEBC (Gujarat board) 10813 57.90
Vadodara Design Academy, School of Architecture General (Gujarat board) 10708 59.2
General (Other) 30059 75.5
SC (Gujarat board) 11615 48.68
SC (CBSE) 20300 50.6

NATA Score Card 2021

Candidates those who will appear in the exam can download their score card through online mode. NATA result 2021 has been announced on 20th April 2021 (for first session) and on 16th June 2021 (for second session).

Candidates are able to check their result by entering their Application Number, Password and Security Code. Candidates must take printout of the result/score card for further admission process.

NATA 2021 Counselling

After the declaration of result, NATA counselling process will be organized at various institutes. There will be no common counselling organized for admission in B.Arch courses.

Candidates will have to participate in the counselling process with their NATA score card organised by the respective colleges.

Candidates will have to bring the required original documents and fees during the counselling process.

Through this article of NATA 2021 Cut off, candidates will be able to know about the cut off marks which are essential to be scored by the students in order to get admission in B.Arch. We have provided institution wise max marks and merit marks which students have to secure to get admission in that institution.

For any other query about NATA 2021 Cut Off, you can leave your query in the comments box given below.

The post NATA 2021 Cut Off, Institution Wise Cut Off Ranks – Check Here appeared first on SarvGyan.

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