INI CET 2021 Admit card will be released through online mode. INI CET is a newly introduced entrance examination by AIIMS, New Delhi. It is organised for the candidates who wish to study medical or dental PG (6 year) courses from top medical colleges including AIIMS, JIPMER, PGIMER and NIMHANS. INI CET exam is introduced as replacement for PG – 6 year medical exams of these institutes. Candidates qualifying this entrance exam will get admission into 6 years of MD/ MS/ DM/ MDS. Through this article candidates can check complete details regarding INI CET 2021 Admit card and more.
INI CET 2021 Admit Card – On 30th April
INI CET 2021 Admit Card is releasing on 30th April 2021. Link will be given here. Click here to get admit card subscribe alert.
Admit card is one of the required document for candidates while going for examination as admit card contains all required details which candidates need to know for exam. INI CET Admit Card 2021 will be released through online mode. It will be downloaded by submitting required login details.
INI CET 2021 Admit card contain details like candidates name, roll no, exam centre location, candidates id, etc along with some important instructions for exam day. Students must completely go through the details and instructions provided on the admit card.
Candidates who have successfully registered themselves for INI CET 2021 or who have their name at final registration list of INI CET can only able to generate their admit cards.
INI CET 2021 Admit Card Dates
Candidates will be able to download their admit card through website from 30th April 2021. Admit card remain available for download till the exam date. The exam will be held on 8th May 2021.
The admit card of INI CET 2021 will be available on the website along with the release of status of final registration process.
How to Download INI CET 2021 Admit Card
INI CET admit card can be downloaded through the website so, below are the complete step by step procedure for downloading it:
- Go to the website of AIIMS and Click on “Academic Courses”.
- Now click on INI CET “(MD/ MS/ M.Ch (6 Yrs.)/ DM(6 Yrs.))” at centre top side under postgraduate column.
- Click on “Proceed” and then click on “Candidates login” link at Left side under General Tab column.
- Now login into your account with details like Registration ID, RUC Code, Password and 4 digit mentioned Captcha Code.
- Click on “Admit Card” link at left side of candidates filled registration form and candidates will be redirected to admit card.
- Download the Admit card and then take several colored printout of INI CET 2021 Admit card.
- Candidates are advised to make sure that all the details in the admit card are visible and bar code remains clear.
- Keep the print out of the admit card safely till admission procedure is over.
INI CET Admit Card Details
The admit card for the INI CET entrance exam consists of the following details of the candidates:
- Name of the Candidate
- Candidate Roll Number
- Father’s Name
- Date of Birth
- Gender
- Category
- Sub Category
- Photograph
- Signature
- Exam Center Address
- Date & Time of Exam
- Language of Question Paper, etc.
If any discrepancy found in the admit card, candidates can immediately contact the officials.
INI CET Admit Card Verification
After downloading the INI CET Admit Card 2021, check all details carefully and check all fields which are liable and correct. Candidates must check whether the signature and photograph are same as in the application or not.
If there is any discrepancy in the admit card related to candidate’s personal or exam details shall contact to the helpdesk, AIIMS, New Delhi.
INI CET Exam Instructions
Before appearing for INI CET exam, candidates must keep a check on some important instructions mentioned on the admit card. Students must follow the given instructions mentioned by the authority strictly. Some of the important instructions mentioned in the admit card are discussed below:
- Admit card is mandatory document which is to be brought strictly on the exam day to be eligible for appearing in the exam.
- No misbehavior will be tolerated by the authorities & strict measures will be taken against the student.
- Student will be disqualified from appearing in the exam in case he/she is found to be ineligible for the exam or having disclosed false information.
- Students must report the authorities in case of any change in the email id, address, phone number or other details.
- Student must not get indulge in any kind of restricted activity at the time of appearing in the exam.
- Candidate must not bring any restricted item inside the examination hall.
INI CET 2021 Admit card and details in admit card will be important for all those candidates participating in INI CET 2021 as these details will allow candidates to know what to do and what not during exam hall and examination as well.
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