
Friday, January 29, 2021

JCECE 2020: Counselling (Started), Important Dates, Admission

JCECE 2020JCECE 2020 Merit List of PCMB, PCB, & PCM has been released. The exam is organized by Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (JCECEB) every year. This state level entrance exam is conducted to offer admission in B.Tech (Agriculture Engineering), B.V.Sc & Animal Husbandry, B.Sc. Agriculture and various other degree programmes. Candidates who qualify the entrance exam successfully gets admission into various affiliated colleges and institutions located in the state of Jharkhand. Through this article we have provided complete details of JCECE 2020.

Exam Dates Admit Card Exam Pattern

 FAQs Syllabus

JCECE 2020 Notifications – Merit List Released

newiconJCECE 2020 Merit List for PCMB, PCB & PCM has been released.

Click here for PCMB ist.

Click here for PCM list.

Click here for PCB list.

newiconJCECE 2020 Provisional Seat Allotment for admission in B.E/ B.Tech has been released through last round of online counselling. Check here for counselling details.

newiconJharkhand 2020 B.Tech Mock allotment result has been released on 28th October 2020. Check here for counselling details.

newiconJCECE 2021 exam will be conducted in the month of May 2021. Get more details about JCECE 2021 here. 

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JCECE 2020 Important Dates

The complete official JCECE Exam dates can be checked by the candidates in the below given table:

Events Dates
Starting of online Registration 8th July 2020
Last date of application submission 31st August 2020
Availability of Admit Card November 2020
JCECE 2020 Exam November 2020
Release of Answer key November 2020
Result declaration November 2020
Starting of Counselling process November 2020

JCECE 2020 Admit Card

The Admit Card/Hall Ticket of JCECE 2020 will be made available for download on the website in November 2020. To download the admit card registered candidates have to enter their Application number and date of birth.

JCECE Admit card is an essential document without which candidates will be not allowed to enter the exam hall and appear for entrance test. The hall ticket will contain various important details like candidate’s name, date of birth, roll number, subject group, exam date, time and venue etc.

JCECE 2020 Exam Pattern

The complete JCECE exam pattern for 2020 session can be checked by the students below:

  • Exam Date and Mode: JCECE 2020 exam will be held in November 2020 in online CBT mode.
  • Language Medium: The exam paper will be asked in English and Hindi Language.
  • Number and Type of Questions: There will be total of 150 MCQs in PCM and PCB group. Total of 200 questions will be there in PCMB group.
  • Total Marks: Question paper of PCM and PCB group will be of 150 marks and PCMB group will be of 200 marks.
  • Time Duration: For the question paper of Physics and Chemistry 2 hour will be given. 1 hour will be given for Biology & Mathematics question papers.
  • Marking Scheme: 1 mark will be awarded for each correct answer. ¼ marks will be deducted for every incorrect response.

Check the group wise distribution of questions and marks below:

Group Subjects Number of questions Maximum marks
For PCM group Physics 50 50
Chemistry 50 50
Mathematics 50 50
Total 150 questions 150 marks


Group Subjects Number of questions Maximum marks
For PCB group Physics 50 50
Chemistry 50 50
Biology 50 50
Total 150 questions 150 marks


Group Subjects Number of questions Maximum marks
For PCMB group Physics 50 50
Chemistry 50 50
Mathematics 50 50
Biology 50 50
Total 200 questions 200 marks

JCECE 2020 Syllabus

JCECE 2020 Syllabus will be prescribed by the Board and can be checked through the website. The JCECE syllabus will be provided for 3 groups – PCB, PCM and PCMB.

The Syllabus will be common as the syllabus of 12th level. As per various programmes chosen by the candidate, the topics will be asked from the subjects of Physics, Chemistry,Mathematics and Biology.

JCECE 2020 Preparation Tips

To score well in the entrance test and qualify it, students must follow the below given JCECE preparation tips:

  • Revise the exam pattern, marking scheme and syllabus of JCECE before beginning the exam preparation.
  • Make a proper exam preparation timetable and include each and every important topic in it.
  • Make brief notes while studying for the exam. Highlight each and every important point.
  • Go through all the prepared notes regularly for revision of the topics.
  • Solve sample papers or past papers for practice and enhance the preparation.
  • Prepare for the exam from good sources of study materials.

FAQ’S (Frequently Asked Questions)

Answer: The Registration process of JCECE 2020 has been started from 8th July 2020.
Answer: You can fill the application form of JCECE 2020 via online mode only.
Answer: Candidates of general category are required to pay application fee of Rs.1000 to apply for PCMB group.
Answer: No, you cannot correct details in the application form after its final submission.
Answer: Yes, for every incorrect response ¼ marks will be deducted.
Answer: The admit card of JCECE 2020 will be released in November 2020.
Answer: The entrance exam of JCECE 2020 will be conducted in November 2020.

JCECE 2020 Result

Candidates who have successfully appeared for JCECE 2020 entrance exam will be able to check their results online. The results will be published on the website in November 2020. To check JCECE result, candidates have to enter their roll number and select the exam.

The result will be available for download in the PDF format. As per the marks secured by the students in the entrance exam, the board will prepare and publish category wise and combined merit list.

Also Check:

JCECE Answer Key

JCECE Rank Card

JCECE Cut-off

JCECE 2020 Counselling

After results will be released and selection of the qualified candidates will be done, the JCECE counselling process will start in online mode. Based on the merit rank obtained by the candidates, they will be called for counseling. It is expected that the counselling process will be conducted in November 2020.

At the time of counselling process, candidates have to submit their required certificates/testimonials for document verification process. Candidates have to pay the counselling fee and download their allotment letter from the website. Selected candidates will get final admission and will be allocated seats in various institutions.

JCECE 2020 Application Form

Candidates can below check all the details of JCECE 2020 Application form:

  • The Online Application form of JCECE 2020 will be released from 8th July 2020.
  • To register and fill the application form, candidates have to apply through online mode only.
  • The application process will involve various stages – Registration, Filling the Application form, Uploading of Images, payment of application fee and final submission and printing of application.
  • Candidates have to upload the photograph, signature, left hand thumb impression & other required documents.
  • All important information will be sent to candidates registered ID & no. so it must be valid/ working.
  • Applying candidates have to submit the application before 31st August 2020.
  • Candidates will be allowed to submit only one application form at a time. Multiple applications from single applicant will be rejected by the authority.
  • All the details must be carefully and correctly filled in the application as no changes will be allowed after the final submission of the form.

Application Fee:

The Application fee of JCECE 2020 for various streams and categories is described below:

Streams                   Application Fee
For General/BC- I and II For ST/SC
PCB Rs.900 Rs.450
PCM Rs.900 Rs.450
PCMB Rs.1000 Rs.500
  • The Application Fee is non-refundable in any case.
  • Candidates can pay the application fee through online mode by debit/credit card or net banking method.
Check HereHow to Fill JCECE 2020 Application Form

JCECE 2020 Eligibility Criteria

Candidates can check below the complete JCECE eligibility criteria:

  • Nationality:Applying candidate must be citizen of India.
  • Residence: He/she must have permanent/local residential certificate of Jharkhand state.
  • Course Wise Eligibility
    For B.Sc (Hons.) Agriculture & B.Sc (Hons.) Forestry:
    Candidate must have passed their 10+2 level with the subjects of physics, chemistry and mathematics/biology.
    For B.V. Sc. & A.H Programme: Applying candidate must have passed 10+2 level with 50% marks (40% for reserved categories) with the subjects of Physics, Biology, Chemistry and English taken together.
    For BHMS Programme: Candidate must have completed his/her 10+2 level with the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English.
    For B.Tech (Dairy Technology) Programme: Candidate must have passed in 10+2 level with 50% marks in the subjects of Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and English taken together.
  • Age Criterion: The upper age limit for B.V. Sc. & A.H course will be 25 years as on 31st December 2020.
  • 5 years of relaxation will be given to reserved category candidates for B.V. Sc. & A.H, B.Sc (Hons.) Agriculture, B.Sc (Hons.) Agriculture & B.Sc (Hons.) Forestry, B.Tech. (Agriculture Engineering), B.Tech (Diary Technology) and Bachelor in Fishery Science course.
  • Appearing: Candidates appearing in their qualifying exam can also apply.

If you have any query related to JCECE 2020, you can ask your query in the comments section given below.

The post JCECE 2020: Counselling (Started), Important Dates, Admission appeared first on SarvGyan.

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