Wednesday, September 9, 2020

UCEED Cut Off 2021, Qualifying Marks, Dates – Know Here

uceed 2020 Cut OffUCEED Cut Off 2021 will be released by IIT Bombay. Undergraduate Common Entrance Examination For Design (UCEED) is a national level entrance test. This exam is conducted for admission to the Bachelor of Design (B.Des) programme. These programmes are offered by the IIT Bombay, IIT Guwahati and IIITDMJ Jabalpur. UCEED exam is managed by the IIT Bombay in association with UCEED. Through this article, candidates can know complete details about UCEED Cut Off 2021.

UCEED Cut Off 2021

Candidates will check the cut off list only through online mode on the website. It will be prescribed by the IIT, Bombay.

The cut off is the minimum marks which candidates need to secure in the written examination to qualify the exam & get a call for counselling round. The cut-off percentage varies for candidates from different categories.

UCEED 2021 Cut Off is the basic requirement to get admission into B.Des course in the college of your choice. It will be published for the rank list under various categories. Candidates, those get good marks in the examination will be included in the rank list.

Factors Affecting Cut Off Marks:

The Institution will prepare the UCEED Cut Off 2021 list on the basis of following factors such as:

  • Number of candidates appeared in the entrance test.
  • Number of candidates qualified the examination.
  • Marking Scheme.
  • Total Number of seats.
  • Previous year admission trend & cut off.
  • Difficulty level of the examination.
  • Reservation criteria.

Also Check:

IIT JAM 2021 Result

Previous Years Cut Off Marks

Candidates should check previous years cut off marks according to the Institution & categories:

UCEED 2020 Cut Off:

Category Part-A Section-wise Cut-off Marks Part-A Total Part-B Total Minimum Qualifying Marks
Section-1 Section-2 Section-3 Cut-off Cut-off
Open Category candidates 7.2 7.2 9.6 80 6 100
OBC candidates 6.48 6.48 8.64 72 5.4 90
PwD candidates 3.6 3.6 4.8 40 3 50
SC candidates 3.6 3.6 4.8 40 3 50
ST candidates 3.6 3.6 4.8 40 3 50

UCEED 2018 Cut Off:

Category IIT, Bombay IIT, Guwahati IIITDMJ, Jabalpur
Opening Rank Closing Rank Opening Rank Closing Rank Opening Rank Closing Rank
General 1 16 17 53 32 75
Other Backward Classes (OBC-NCL) 4 13 14 31 32 46
Scheduled Tribe (ST) 2 7 8 15 17 23
Scheduled Caste (SC) 1 2 4 7 6 9

UCEED 2017 Cut Off:

Category IIT, Bombay IIT, Guwahati IIITDMJ, Jabalpur
Opening Rank Closing Rank Opening Rank Closing Rank Opening Rank Closing Rank
General 1 20 22 51 48 73
Other Backward Classes (OBC-NCL) 5 14 17 30 15 37
Scheduled Tribe (ST) 2 3 4 6 7 8
Scheduled Caste (SC) 1 6 8 16 17 23

UCEED 2016 Cut Off:

Category IIT, Bombay IIT, Guwahati IIITDMJ, Jabalpur
General 17 49 75
Other Backward Classes (OBC) 61 137 283
Scheduled Tribe (ST) 795 802 832
Scheduled Caste (SC) 262 576 714
General PWD 446 NA 480

UCEED Counselling 2021

Candidates, those qualify the examination will have to appear in the counselling process. UCEED admission process will be started from March 2021.

The admission of the candidates will be completely based on the candidate’s score/rank in the qualifying exam. Selected candidates will get a provisional allotment letter on the website.

In the counselling round, candidates have to fill choices of institution. The seat will be allotted to the candidates on the basis of cut off marks, rank list, filled choice, category & availability of seats.

If you have any other query about UCEED Cut Off 2021, you can ask us by leaving your comments in the comment box.

The post UCEED Cut Off 2021, Qualifying Marks, Dates – Know Here appeared first on SarvGyan.

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