Wednesday, September 9, 2020

UCEED 2021 Result, Score Card, Dates, Merit List – Check Here

uceed 2019UCEED 2021 Result & Scorecard will be released on 10th March 2021. Undergraduate Common Entrance Examination for Design is conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. UCEED is the state level entrance examination through which candidate can get admission in the Bachelor of Design (B.Des) course. UCEED score card will be considered by the IIT Bombay, IIT Guwahati and IITDMJ Jabalpur. Here, we have mentioned the details of UCEED Result 2021 including the result announcement date, score card, how to check result, etc.

UCEED 2021 Result

Every year UCEED result will be published by the admission committee after the completion of written test. In order to view their results, candidates have to enter the login details (created during online application) on the website.

A rank list will be prepared on the basis of results of the candidates. No candidate will be provided with the hard copy of the score card, it means it will not be sent by post or any other means.

UCEED Result 2021 Date

The UCEED result will be announced on 10th March 2021. The answer key will be released after a few days of the announcement of results.

The score cards can be accessed through online mode only. Qualified candidates can download their UCEED scorecard on 10th March 2021. There will be no facility of re-totaling or re-evaluation of the answer key.

UCEED Answer Key 2021

The answer key is very useful parameter to predict the rank in the entrance examination. Candidates can tally their marks with the provisionally provided official answer key.

The draft answer key will be released on 21st January 2021. The last date for sending comments about draft answer key will be 24th January 2021. 

The final answer key will be displayed on 31st January 2021 by the authority set-wise. Candidates can download the answer key along with question papers from the website.

UCEED Rank List 2021

UCEED Rank list 2021 will be prepared on the basis of total marks in the entrance examination.

The category-wise UCEED cut-off marks will be mentioned in the rank list. However, no separate category-wise rank list will be provided by the authority.

Only those candidate’s name will be included in the rank list those qualified the minimum total qualifying marks in the examination.

If the total marks scored by two or more candidates are same, then the tie-break policy will be used for awarding ranks.

Minimum marks required for inclusion in the rank list as per the last year are mentioned below:

Category Minimum % of Marks in Each Section Minimum Total Marks
General 10 100
OBC-NCL 9 90
SC 5 50
ST 5 50

How to Check UCEED Result 2021

  • Navigate the official website link (link will be given above).
  • Click on that link and open it in new window.
  • Search UCEED Result 2021 on the webpage.
  • Enter your login email Id and password and click on the submit button.
  • Your result will open in pdf format.
  • Download it by clicking on the print button.
  • Take a printout of the result for further use.

UCEED Admission 2021

After the commencement of the written examination and declaration of the result, candidates have to fill the application form.

The filling of application form will be compulsory for the UCEED admission procedure. Without filling-up the application form (for admission), no candidate will allow to get admission into B.Des course.

The application form for admission will be made available from 11th to 31st March 2021. The seats will be allocated on the basis of candidate’s UCEED rank, category and preference of the institution.

If you have any doubt of UCEED Result 2021, you may ask us by leave your doubts in the given comment box.

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