
Thursday, September 5, 2019

OUAT 2020 Syllabus, Subject Wise Syllabus – Check Here

OUAT 2020 SyllabusOUAT 2020 Syllabus can be checked by the candidates from the website. OUAT is a university level entrance exam organized every year by Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology. Through OUAT entrance test large number of candidates gets admission in various UG and PG programmes in the University and its affiliated institutions. In this article we have provided all the details related to OUAT Syllabus 2020.

OUAT 2020 Syllabus

The Syllabus of OUAT 2020 entrance test for UG admission contains topics from 10+2 level. The questions in the UG entrance test will be asked from PhysicsChemistryMathematics/Biology and Mental Aptitude.

The Syllabus of OUAT 2020 for admission into PG programmes will be from various topics from the respective fields studied in the Bachelor’s level.

Candidates can check some of the topics contained in the OUAT 2020 UG Syllabus are:


Properties of Solids and Liquids, Communication Systems, Physics and Measurement, Work Energy and Power, Kinetic Theory of Gases, Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation, Oscillations and Waves, Rotational Energy, Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents, Electronic Devices, Optics, Atoms and Nuclei, Electromagnetic Waves, Experimental Skills


Physical Chemistry: States of Matter, Surface Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry: Classification of Elements and Periodicity of Properties, Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, P-Block Elements,Environmental Chemistry Organic Chemistry: Purification and Characterization of Organic Compounds, General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Metals, Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry, Organic Compounds containing Nitrogen, Biomolecules, Chemistry in Everyday Life,Polymers, Principles Related to Practical Chemistry

Also Check:

OUAT 2020 Admit Card

OUAT Preparation Tips


Sets Relations and Functions, Matrices and Determinants, Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations, Permutations and Combinations, Limit Continuity and Differentiability, Integral Calculus, Mathematical Induction, Differential Equations, Coordinate Geometry, Binomial Theorem and its Simple Applications, Vector Algebra, Sequences and Series, Mathematical Reasoning, Three-Dimensional Geometry, Statistics and Probability, Trigonometry


Biotechnology and its Applications,Genetics and Evolution,Sexual ReproductionEcology and Environment, Biology and Human Welfare,

OUAT 2020 Exam Pattern

Below we have discussed the OUAT exam pattern of OUAT 2020 for UG and PG programmes:

Exam Mode:The entrance test will be organized in Pen and Paper mode.

Type and Number of questions:The questions asked in the UG and PG entrance exam will be of objective type. For admission into PG Programmes the question paper will contain total of 200 MCQs.

Total Marks: The entrance test for UG and PG admission will be of total 200 marks.

Time Duration:Total time given to complete the exam will be of 2 hours.

Medium Language:The exam paper will be available in English.

Marking Scheme:According to the marking scheme, for each correct answer +1 mark will be awarded. There will be no negative marking for wrong responses.

Instructions for the Exam Day

Candidates must follow some important instructions on the day of OUAT 2020 entrance test:

  • On the day of exam candidates must carry their admit cards to get entry into the exam hall.
  • Reach the allotted exam center as per the time mentioned in the OUAT admit card.
  • No candidate will be allowed to enter the exam hall 15 minutes after the commencement of the test.
  • Do not carry any kind of prohibited device or material inside the examination hall.

OUAT 2020 Syllabus should be reviewed by the candidates before starting the exam preparation. Candidates should study from the syllabus prescribed by the university on the website.

If you have any query related to OUAT 2020 Syllabus, you can ask your query in the comments section below.

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